Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Auditing a Data Centre – Key points

Data centres house the data, applications and access critical to the success of many businesses. Our data centre must be secure and resilient in order to keep our enterprise running at maximum productivity, protecting our profitability, productivity and reputation.

The audit or health checks (in terms of Information security) revolves around:


Now while auditing or preparing the data centres for audit, the key points are:
·         Access Controls (including the emergency exit) - particularly look for audit trails of emergency exit along with fully compliant visitor’s log
·         HVAC controls with properly indicated baselines for Temperature and Humidity controls
·         Fluorescent floor layouts with proper direction to emergency exit doors
·         General check on the data centre design and flooring
·         Fire extinguishers and their suitability to handle fire - last refilling dates
·         Dust free environment - proper mats at the entry-exit
·         Server racks wheel should be locked, also properly stationed if STPI bonded
·         Data and power cable should not criss-cross - to avoid Electromagnetic Inference
·         Power connections are intact including the UPS support
·         Anti-rodents are placed
·         Smoke / fire detector are properly installed and fully functional
·         Intrusion detectors are placed and functional
·         Real time monitoring of entry/exits gate – Including CCTV recordings/footage availability of past

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