Risk identification is one of the most important factor
which decides the fate of Risk Manageme an Enterprise or organization.
Some of the key challenges involved are:
1. Broad Statement Risk
Some enterprise identify the risks which are too broad in
nature. Example includes
Risk to Brand reputation
Compliance risk (including statutory &
regulatory requirements)
Fraud Risk (Internal/external fraud)
It becomes very difficult to manage these risks even at
strategic level
2. Causes as Risk
Many enterprise identify the risks that are actually causes
and it’s very difficult to manage these risks. The statements that indicates
causes as risk includes
Lack of (trained staffs, funds, Information
security Awareness etc…)
Ineffective (Internal Audit, Policy
Implementation etc…)
Inadequate (Training, Procedures etc…)
Poor (Project Management, Asset Management etc…)
3. Consequences as Risk
Many organization commits the mistake of identifying effect/consequences
as risk. Thus reducing the effectiveness of Enterprise Risk Management process.
Examples include
Budget overspend
Project missing the planned deadline
Risk Management Process – Birds Eye view